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Help us redefine ESSCA Committees

At our March ESSCA meeting we reviewed our Committee structure (which hasn’t been revisited in many years) and discussed what committees we should keep, which we should retire, and the new committees we should form to cover new issues important to the community. ESSCA’s current committees are defined on page 7 of our By-Laws.

Committees are where the real work of ESSCA should get done, but unfortunately only one of the committees, the Planning, Zoning, and Public Works Committee is active at the moment. We need to make sure our committees are relevant and provide more opportunities for people to get inspired and get involved.

We need your input to make this happen. The ESSCA Board would like to revisit each committee's purpose, retire the Beautification and Historical Research Committees or fold their functions into the other committees, and form a new Diversity and Belonging Committee that would provide inspiration and guidance for the other Committees so that we can achieve a more diversified organization where everyone feels they belong.

We request your comments on our proposed committee structure and your ideas of the purpose of each committee by Sunday, April 11. Please use this Google form, and in your comments please try to focus on the purpose of the committees going forward. Your responses will be anonymous but you can provide your email address if you’d like.

I am forming a “Committee on Committees” to review comments and rewrite our committee structure and definitions. This proposed rewrite will be presented to the ESSCA Executive Committee (Board plus our one Committee Chair) by April 25, who will review/revise and publish a proposed amendment to the ESSCA By-Laws in our May newsletter, which will be published on Monday, May 10. Membership will then vote on the proposed amendment at our regular meeting on Monday, May 17.

Thank you for your input and helping us ensure that ESSCA’s work is relevant and impactful.

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