Development projects

Southeast corner of Fenton Street and Silver Spring Ave
Silver Spring Park..
Approved mixed use project comprised of rental apartments, retail and a hotel. The developer is looking for a joint venture partner to provide additional capital to build the project.
Project approval is good until 2022.
Artist housing in former Silver Spring police station
The Police Station was closed and relocated to a new facility in White Oak in May 2017. The community will continue to be served by the new station as well as a substation in the Fire Station on Georgia Avenue. The County chose Artspace as the developer for this site. The old police building will be converted to approximately 20 art studios and will include galley and retail space. The project will also include 60 or so affordable live/work units for artist and market rate townhouses.
Construction began June 2019. Building is expected to take approximately 18 months.

Thayer and Spring Apartments (aka Studio Plaza)
Residential units with one retail space
Between Thayer and Silver Spring Ave. This project will be 11 stories and have 415 rental units with a retail space on Thayer Ave. There will also be approximately 152 public parking spaces underground to replace those of the surface parking lot. The public parking component of this project is complete and open to the public.
Residents have moved into the finished parts of the building while work continues on the remaining units and the trash rooms and alley. Utility work on Silver Spring Ave will continue through Sept 2019.
US Post Office will move into the retail space on Thayer Ave by the end of the year (2019)
Silver Spring Ave and Mayors Lane are expected to be repaved in October 2019.

900 Thayer Ave
Senior subsidized housing
HOC, a private non-profit is developing this property. The building will be five (5) stories with 5,000 square feet of retail on the first floor. There will be 124 units and 96 of these will be reserved for residents making 60% or less of the median area income - currently $109,000. Twenty-eight units will be market rate.
Construction is continuing.
HOC is currently looking for a tenant for the commercial space
Long neglected office tower gets a new life
Sketch plan approved:Spring 2018: Convert an existing office building and adjacent surface parking lot into a mixed-use, predominantly multi-family residential project with up to 82,941 sq.feet of residential and non-residential uses.
New building is limited to 60 feet height. However, the existing office building is grandfathered in and will be converted to housing units.
STATUS April 2019: Project Plan approved spring 2019. Developer changed project to age-rstricted units in order to secure approval during the moratorium on building triggered by the over capacity of the school cluster. .
SEPT 2019: The County Council approved a limited exemption to the school moratorium which applies to this property. Developer has applied to the Planning Board for an amendment forego their Senior Housing approval and to approve the project under the terms of the moratorium exemption,

Local developers transforming landscaping and storage lot into affordable housing
Plans are for building affordable multi-family building. Developers have met several times with neighbors.
STATUS October 2018: Sketch plan has not been submitted. The developer is still waiting for the State of MD to approve tax credits. Planning Department cannot accept new plans because of moratorium on building triggered by over capacity of the school cluster.
STATUS SEPTEMBER 2019: Developer failed to secure MD tax credits for second time. Developer is regrouping..
819 Silver Spring Ave
In permitting
This property on the north side of Silver Spring Avenue behind the retail block fronting Fenton and adjacent to a 1960's era 5 story office building is currently occupied by a detached residential building and rear parking lot and was used an office. The project was approved by the Planning Board and is working through the permit process. The approval on this project expires in 2024.